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The Resources are Running Out  >   Conserve or Consume  >   Saving a Wasting World
Life was Simpler Then  >   Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger

Life was Simpler Then
(13 October 1999)

This is the situation
There are many harsh realities in the world around us
and yet for most of us there is always the dream of something better.
Perhaps this worldwide sentiment was best summed up in John Lennon's song "Imagine".

For some there is no dream and only the reality;
and yet for others there is only a dream and no reality,
they like to imagine and escape the realities.
John Lennon himself failed to live out the life he imagined.
The question remains however,
"How do we live out the life we imagine, instead of the reality we live?"

There are many worries in life but how do we free ourselves for something better?
Life was simple back then, back in the garden, but how do we get back to the garden?
Some say the simple things in life bring the greatest fulfillment, but is it all that simple?
The world we live in only seems to be getting more confusing
so how do we disentangle ourselves from this web of mess?

Some tell us that our world is dying,
and that if we fail to save it we will ultimately destroy ourselves.
I suppose our future could be summed up best in a couple of words
"conserve or consume".

Perhaps therein such a statement lies and answer.
Isn't it consumption that clutters up our minds and life,
and rips the very heart out of the earth that we all consume and abuse.
Capitalism makes its claims of freedom and a more comfortable lifestyle
but what does it actually deliver?!

We are told to consume to create more of a demand,
for money makes our world go around.
But why, the simple man asks,
when it is consumption that is consuming our world
and will ultimately stop the world from turning around.
shouldn't we be conserving?!

Oh, but we can't says the wise man who has much,
for my more will become less!
But don't you already have enough in a world full of starving people?
Doesn't it make sense to your clever mind
that if the rich could live more simply the poor could simply live!

Yes - I suppose,
but this would mean I would have to share.
I would have to live a simpler lifestyle.