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Farm Effects
Adam & Eve
Last Frontier
Playford Plains
Smiths Creek Flour Mill
What we've Created

Farm Effects


Your Diary doesn't Reply
Wilderness Walking
The Power of Poetry
What is Sport Good For?
What is Worship
Like Sand through the Hourglass

Your Diary Doesn't Reply

Have you ever thought about the reality of a diary
Who are you writing to? - a piece of paper
essentially you are writing to yourself
yet you are fulfilled to a degree
because you have at least expressed yourself
you have released yourself somehow

Have you considered dear God instead of dear diary?
Yes He can't be seen, but you are writing anyway
He is there and He hears what you say
The next time you write something down
listen, watch and be ready for His reply
He is always speaking to your soul
It is just that you haven't yet asked Him into your heart
so you can hear what He has got to say


The Bushies Prayer

Dear God or is it Lord?

Well anyway it's been a time since I had a talk to you and I have sort of forgotten the form along the way. I'm not sure which church I belong to and whether I should kneel, stand, or close my eyes and bow my head when I talk to you. But anyway I know you listen to everyone so I guess you won't mind if I just sit here and say what I've got to say in my own words and in my own way.
I know there's a lot I should think about or maybe just explain but if we leave most of the bad bits out there has been some gain. Things aren't quite right for me just at the moment and I'm not quite sure what lies ahead. I'm not asking you to tell me or give me a sign like a bolt of lightening or to perform some other sort of miracle. I just want to talk to you and thank you for the days you have given me and for sort of looking after me along the way. I know you have been around when things were getting a bit rough, and sorta picked me up and given a bit of a shove. I know I strayed from the straight and narrow and lost my way a few times but I seemed to have struggled through and am still here today with a bit of time on my hands and looking to say Goodaye.
I guess I prayed a bit when I found the time and have been in one of those fancy churches a couple of times. I tried to listen to the talk that the bloke out front was giving but maybe I was too far down the back and didn't hear quite clear. Hellfire and damnation came across alright but as for the rest? well it seemed to go alright with the rest of the crowd. The singing was great and I sorta felt I belonged but although I know some of the tunes the words were a bit gone. The book they gave me had too many pages and the writing was a bit small and even if I had learned to read real proper I guess I would still have been lost. I usually managed to sneak away outside before the usual gathering of handshakes, kisses, and other who, how, where, when, and made my way to my future and destiny as was already predetermined.
I guess it suits some folk to get together once a week under the roof of some sort of fancy building that is specially made and do their thing but I sorta don't see the sense. Well I just reckon that it costs a few bob to build the place and then keep it running, and that must all come out of the collection plate or whatever. Then there's the wages of the minister or priest and his mates. Seems to me a bit of a waste of a lot of money and effort just to have a get together and say a prayer to You. I dunno but to me if someone's got something to say and they believe in the Almighty then let it rip, out with it there and then wherever they are. Just get it of the chest and be done with it, there's no need for a special place or an audience to show that a person has a belief and is saying a prayer you know, and that's what matters. If someone wants to get together with others then what's wrong with each others houses or homes? If there's too many of you then an open area like a public park or garden if you are city people and can't travel. But to me the bush with some trees around I reckon is closer to God and the world he gave us to enjoy and look after so it's still around after we've completed our journey and gone our way.
Well I'm sure you know that I don' always find the time to talk to You on a regular basis, especially when works a bit brisk and the boss is hanging around and doing his bit of shouting and stirring. Or when I'm dog tired or been celebrating a bit much at the end of the day. But you know I'm still with it and spread the word whenever I can. I'm sorta worried about one of my mates, his time is gunna come pretty soon and I don't know much about his religion or belief, or even if he has one. I've known him on and off for a lot of years and although he's not angel material he's certainly done his bit in helping anyone he met who was in a bit of trouble or difficulty no matter what. I'd just like to put in a bit of a word for him so he sorta gets a chance to go up and not somewhere down below.

Thanks God for taking the time to listen to me - keep up the good work - catch up with you soon.



I wouldn't mind if you could find your way clear to get me a new swag and swap this dog for something with brains and maybe keep the old horse going a bit longer, and I know I might be stretching things a bit but if it's not to much bother a good woman for company wouldn't go to far amiss either.