title banner rainbow landscape
Revelation 4:2 - ...a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
vs3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

The term 'Dreaming'encompasses the aspect of the indigenous of the earth living the simplest lifestyles.
The expression 'Believing'relates to having faith in a future for all cultures to live a more sustainable lifestyle
so there is hope for generations to come.

Site Purpose

I have developed this web site for a number of reasons but my main objective is to simply share resources that may be helpful to others. Half of the documents on this site have been written by myself as a part of my studies at Para West Adult Campus. Some of the information has objectively been written as a part of the general course requirements and don’t necessarily reflect my own personal beliefs. At other times I have subjectively expressed my own personal beliefs when course requirements have given that freedom.

One thing I must say and that is Para West Adult Campus does have an Aboriginal focus as a part of its educational curriculum. I have found that through my studies on Aboriginal issues that an element of ‘Dreaming’ coincides with ‘Believing'. Dreams and visions are something we all hold within our hearts and minds and without them we would lack any sort of hope for the future.

I have written a number of assignments for Environmental Studies and I have found that the issue of conservation is becoming more relevant throughout the world as our environment continues to be impacted upon by the way we all live. The glaring problem of population increasing and our natural resources depleting daily is something that we cannot continue to ignore. I have made this point particularly evident throughout a lot of my writing because I believe that it is this very issue that is integral to having a future. I have also included a number of book notes throughout the site to complement and reinforce some of the views that I have expressed in my assignments.

The more I have studied the environment and in particular issues in regards to land and water the more it has dawned on me that the simplistic lifestyles of the indigenous of the earth were naturally sustainable. Without a doubt modern civilization has progressed beyond what the natural environmental balances can now sustain. Many scientists and conservationists have been warning the world of major environmental problems unless we change the way we currently live. In fact all of the evidence suggests that the situation could be best summed up by saying ‘Conserve or Consume!?'

NB * All of the documents can be downloaded in pdf format by going to the Contents page and clicking on the document links