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Wilderness Walking
The Power of Poetry
What is Sport Good For?
What is Worship
Like Sand through the Hourglass

The Power of Poetry

The power of poetry is found in the depths of souls and not in the minds of men
The society of dead poetry often stems from liturgy and order
Don’t always seek to understand what the poet was thinking
but rather that you should be thinking
for learning to think for yourself is one of the greatest lesson to be learnt

Your words and ideas are the only things that are really yours
yet they often remain unknown because you have failed to make them known
just put your pen to paper and write whatever
don't try and fabricate and make
words must flow from feelings and not from your dead head

stand up for your own beliefs in spite of the beliefs of others
and don't walk the way of comfortable conformity and forsake the sensibilities of your soul
you have a part to play in poetry
and the power of your performance is not found in perfection
but in learning to live from the passion of a heartfelt play